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3 Simple Steps Abdominal Workout Using Exercise Ball

There are couple abdominal exercise, the easy one is you can use exercise ball as your abdominal workout.

Using medicine ball crunches on exercise ball for six pack abs is one of my favorite abdominal exercises.

What Is Medicine Ball?

A medicine ball also knows as an exercise ball. The size can be large and small. Use exercise ball as your rehabilitation, strength training and six pack abs training is very effective.

How To Exercise For – Your Six Pack Abs Using Exercise Ball

You can follow this step by step to learn how to use exercise ball for your abdominal workout:

  • First, use a large exercise ball, laid your back on the ball with your feet placed firmly on the floor. You lower back should be centered on the top of the large exercise ball.
  • Second, hold a small medicine ball securely over your head and crunch your upper body forward while keep the medicine ball overhead.
  • Then, contract your abs or abdominal muscle at the top of the movement. Return the the starting position and repeat the movement slowly.

This is one of my favorite ab workout, you can also using ab roller to get the same effective workout. This fitness exercise can burn your body fat and crunch your abdominal muscle like no other abdominal workout.

Happy doing your abdominal workout then;)